Monday, March 14, 2011

Social Media Sites and the Addiction


   There will be somewhat of a rant. I workout about 5 days a week. I go to Planet Fitness in Hadley Ma. This is a very big gym and it's usually always crowded by College. Usually, you only have to wait for machines on average of 5-10 minutes. As I approached the last machine on my daily workout, I notice a young girl walking towards it as well. Of course she gets there first as she didn't even notice me standing there. Her headphones were in her ears and she was using her smart phone to access her Facebook account.
  I waited a good 15 minutes and came back to the machine to only notice that she was still surfing Facebook and creating wall posts. The whole 15 minutes she had used on the machine were actually to work the muscles in her fingers. Why was I to be punished because a girl couldn't leave Facebook? Has this world come to a screeching halt where everything and everyone revolves around these social media blogs?
   I've heard many friends and coworkers who will totally be opposed to these social media sites. They tell me that it's just something that they don't want out there (their person information). Another person wondered where the old school ways of meeting a person face to face went. Of course, we all have our own reasons as to why we choose to be apart of these sites. Some can't live without them. Some can purely live without them and be happy. I sure as hell know that if I become obese one day, the girl on the "Facebook-workout-girl" will surely get hers.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that some people have really become addicted to the social media. When I was in undergrad, one of my roommates would spend over 4 hours a day cruising around on Facebook and Myspace. On the other end of the spectrum I had a few friends that didn't even touch it and had nothing to do with it. From my perspective I think its a good idea to be involved in social media, but everyone should limit the amount of time they spend on it.
