Sunday, March 27, 2011

Social Media Networking

   I was reading a pretty interesting article today. Today, it seems as though everyone is somewhat linked with a social media site. Today, social media sites are a useful tool to find and create jobs. Now, if one doesn't have a social media account, it can actually limit your capabilities in terms of finding a job that suits your criteria.
   Showing companies that you're interested in their company through joining their social media sites will improve your chances in being considered or even hired. UPS for example hired only 29 people in 2009 through social media sites. Recently, UPS hired 955 people through the use of the social media sites!
   Although social media sites have been a huge help to people looking for jobs, connections and personal ties with people already within a company is still the best way to get a job. Other sites that are on a more professional level but are still considered a social media site is LinkedIn. Many professionals only consider candidates through LinkedIn as it is a more professional outlet to finding qualified employees.
   Things to consider when joining a social media site are to locate and focus on people or companies that suit what you are looking for. Consider the companies social media sites as an outlet to show what and who you are made of. Make them notice you. Don't place anything you wouldn't want them to see on your profile.
   Social media sites are the wave of the future.

1 comment:

  1. I find it surprising that UPS only hired 29 people through LinkedIn in 2009 and hiring 955 people the following year! We've come quite a long way since searching for jobs in the newspaper. Seems like LinkedIn is the way to go if your searching for a job. Thanks for mentioning the article and proving this information!
