Sunday, March 27, 2011

The English Language is Ruined

   Thanks to teenagers, texting, and social media sites, the english language has officially been demolished. It has been announced that "LOL", "OMG", and "<3" (the symbol for heart) have all been added to the Online Oxford English Dictionary.
   These words first came across through texting and the likes of social media chat rooms. LOL stands for Laugh out Loud. We first began to see this used through AIM, and other various chat rooms. OMG stands for Oh My God and we also see it used throughout the same sources. The words or abbreviations have been around for way before the social media sites popped up.
   The English language has now changed due to technology. The abbreviations were used to speed up the typing process and to basically explain their thoughts without actually explaining their true addition, <3 isn't even a word, more a symbol and is still being added to the Dictionary.
   In some ways, this really does anger me. But in a real sense, these abbreviations are used more than any other word in the English Dictionary. I'm happy to say that I am probably one of the few people who do not use LOL, OMG, and <3.

1 comment:

  1. Your right, the English language has taken a hit since more and more people are chatting in "chat rooms", sending text messages, etc. When I first became accustomed to "social media lingo" I had to control where and when it came out. It took extra effort to separate the way I would write for school/work from the way my text messages and "wall posts" would appear. As long as people have the ability to limit their "online lingo" to being online, then I think the English language will be just fine (With the exception of adding "lol", "omg", and "<3" to the dictionary). Funny story though!
