Monday, March 28, 2011

Linkedin hits 100 million

The professional facebook site has reached a member population of over 100 million users. The site estimates that they gain roughly 1 million users every week. At reaching 100 million users, the site has plastered an informative picture depicting how much 100 million really is.
Linkedin is a site that is mostly used for networking within the professional working environment. It's surprising to see such a social media site blow up so quickly. Just under a year ago, Linkedin wasnt as popular as the other social media giants. Now, it holds more members than Myspace. That reminds me, I need to join Linkedin myself!

Here is a link to the article:

Sunday, March 27, 2011

   A few people have asked me about the Blog I used to run with a buddy of mine in which we sold a few years ago. It was an online blog that focused on Hip-Hop, R&B, and other various genres of music. The site consisted of underground music and upcoming musical artists and producers and DJ's. We started the site as "" in the middle of 2007 and later changed the name because it sounded extremely stupid.
   My buddies friend thought of the name and that later became the site name. We offered free music to subscribers and fans of the page. The free music was given to us by the underground artists themselves to display their music and to get their name out there. Everything was free donations were considered as the site was run just because we wanted to.
   We later sold off the site to a European company who also did what we were doing. He renamed the site "" and ever since then, the site has been doing very well! We both haven't spoken to the new owner in a while but from the look of the site alone, it looks as though the site receives great traffic. Although I do miss the site, blogging does take an incredible amount of energy and time. This was our first attempt at blogging at the time. The site was updated every single day and each day we had to sift through new music and see which ones were actually good to add to the blog.I did enjoy the profits we made from selling the site though!

If you want to visit the new site, here is the link:

Social Media Networking

   I was reading a pretty interesting article today. Today, it seems as though everyone is somewhat linked with a social media site. Today, social media sites are a useful tool to find and create jobs. Now, if one doesn't have a social media account, it can actually limit your capabilities in terms of finding a job that suits your criteria.
   Showing companies that you're interested in their company through joining their social media sites will improve your chances in being considered or even hired. UPS for example hired only 29 people in 2009 through social media sites. Recently, UPS hired 955 people through the use of the social media sites!
   Although social media sites have been a huge help to people looking for jobs, connections and personal ties with people already within a company is still the best way to get a job. Other sites that are on a more professional level but are still considered a social media site is LinkedIn. Many professionals only consider candidates through LinkedIn as it is a more professional outlet to finding qualified employees.
   Things to consider when joining a social media site are to locate and focus on people or companies that suit what you are looking for. Consider the companies social media sites as an outlet to show what and who you are made of. Make them notice you. Don't place anything you wouldn't want them to see on your profile.
   Social media sites are the wave of the future.

The English Language is Ruined

   Thanks to teenagers, texting, and social media sites, the english language has officially been demolished. It has been announced that "LOL", "OMG", and "<3" (the symbol for heart) have all been added to the Online Oxford English Dictionary.
   These words first came across through texting and the likes of social media chat rooms. LOL stands for Laugh out Loud. We first began to see this used through AIM, and other various chat rooms. OMG stands for Oh My God and we also see it used throughout the same sources. The words or abbreviations have been around for way before the social media sites popped up.
   The English language has now changed due to technology. The abbreviations were used to speed up the typing process and to basically explain their thoughts without actually explaining their true addition, <3 isn't even a word, more a symbol and is still being added to the Dictionary.
   In some ways, this really does anger me. But in a real sense, these abbreviations are used more than any other word in the English Dictionary. I'm happy to say that I am probably one of the few people who do not use LOL, OMG, and <3.

The Power of Social Media

   If anyone has paid any attention to anything in the last month regarding social media sites and upcoming artists, you have to have heard about a girl named Rebecca Black who has instantly become famous because of an online YouTube music video she made. The video was posted just 2 months ago and it has recieved well over 52 million views! She stated that the video was a present from her parents.
   Rebecca Black has been a laughing stock on every single social media site and has also been the target for comedic giants such as Jay Leno, Jimmy Kimmel, Tosh.O, and other blogs and forums. She has even been claimed to be the next Justin Bieber.
   If we can see what social media sites can do to people, Rebecca Black has become a celebrity overnight and celebrities such as Simon Cowell and Ryan Seacrest are behind the 13 year old female artist. In a recent article, it stated that just through the views in YouTube alone, Rebecca Black has received 63% of the profits, which account to just over $36,000. She told Jay Leno on the Tonight show that most of the proceeds will go to the Japan Relief fund and the rest would go to her schooling. Rebecca Black received many hate comments on her YouTube account and also received death threats. She told Good Morning America that she cried for days and wondered why people hated her so much.
   As I'm writing this, I'm actually sitting on the floor since I could not figure out which seat I should take...

MySpace Loses More and More

   MySpace has lost over 10 million users between January 2011 to February 2011. Before January, Myspace accounted for well over 73 million users. MySpace has really fell off the boat this year with its user base dropping well below the estimated number in previous thoughts. Chief Executive Mike Jones stated that is no longer a social media site but is now an Entertainment site. Where will MySpace be by next year? 
   Much work is needed at the MySpace facility in order to boost users again. It seems as though there is a negative image with MySpace. For the first time user, why would they chose to join MySpace over Facebook when more users are using Facebook? There just doesn't seem a need for the MySpace site anymore than to build relationships with other musicians and artists.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Protecting Facebook and It's Users

   I came upon an interesting article that stated that Facebook, on average, deletes over 20,000 accounts per day due to underage members and ads or spam that generate viruses. The Facebook team has been on the grind in finding these accounts. Facebook chief privacy advisor Mozelle Thompson stated that it will help clean Facebook up and so it's user friendly.
   As of now, Facebook is only available to users who are 13 years of age or older.  The Facebook teams sifts through many accounts and deletes the ones that will be a safety hazard. The Facebook team has also joined forces with Australia to talk about safety and the uses with large social media sites. These accounts have been very tricky in tricking the system in order to gain access to the site to spread unrelated and often illegal items.
  As with everything, be on the lookout on these social media websites. I recall a friend of mine telling me that a celebrity had a Facebook account and that they had friend requested him. It seemed pretty risky. Later that day, the account was closed and everyone who received a friend request received a warning message stating to be cautious on who they were acting friend requests from. Through accepting anonymous 'friends', the users of the anonymous accounts can find detailed information about the users.
   The Facebook team plans to add more more employees to their headquarters in Australia. Currently, there are a dozen employees working.,2817,2382462,00.asp