Friday, February 4, 2011

The Long Tail: A Closer Look

   When we discuss the long tail as a general concept, it has always existed, but never overcome before the internet was here. Before the internet was remotely available, businesses were using old time methods of marketing to gain greater sales and profits. The long tail existed because, well, it was the long tail. Businesses which were successful shelved hits instead of items that targeted only specific niche markets. It was too risky to shelve something that wouldn't sell which therefore eliminated businesses focusing in on the long tail.
   The internet has given the world the opportunity of choice. Customers being able to choose between millions of hits makes the long tail more attainable. The long tail indeed creates a tyranny of choice WITHIN the niche markets towards the end of the long tail. The top hits could still be attained throughout various non-internet services. When consumers are given choices and items are available at the touch of a button, tyranny of choice appears. I believe this is a good thing.
    I think the concept of the long tail is amazing. Before I had read the book, I had no clue that this is where the huge internet brands attained most of their credentials and their profits. One thing I remember is the case study Chris Anderson did on Lego. As an adult who still enjoys legos,  I thought it was interesting how the long tail affected not only niche markets, but niche groups. For the guy who made his living on building and designing models for Lego before he was hired, the internet gave him an outsource to prove his talents. I often Google these Lego models that people around the world build from scratch and wonder if any of them receive any recognition from Lego. I also remember meeting a person from M.I.T. who used Lego's mindstorms to build a robot that could show facial expressions.   
   So we see the long tail affects almost all things around us. But we must conclude that the internet has made such a huge impression on the long tail as well. I truly believe that the long tail and it's concept would have never seen daylight unless the internet was available.

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