Saturday, February 26, 2011

Content is KING!

   I was reading an article today that relates to how brands have all used social media blogs to get the word out and spread awareness. Social media blogs have become publishing tools for the brands. What the article discusses is how most of these brands are missing the simple fact of content. It's easy to start a page on any of the social media blogs, but to create content that's both rich and interesting is a whole different game.
   The article states that journalism plays a large role in whether or not content is actually usable or not. The more brands become publishers, the more responsibility they have in keeping their customers interested. They still need to be trusted, heard, and understood in order to become successful. Too much is involved in publshing and not enough is done to enlighten the content relating to their specific brand these days.
   Here is a link to the interesting article:

   What do you guys think?


  1. You make some great points...I think besides having rich content, the most important thing that businesses can do is earn trust from their current/potential customers. We have all seen the negative results that occur when individuals attempt to "say something" and identify themselves as someone other than who they really are.

  2. Content is king...which is why Scott talks about thought leadership as the key to a successful new media strategy.

  3. This is interesting Peter, especially because the more and more content that becomes available online, the more and more information people have to go by. But as the Internet becomes clouded with information, the more information that could be false or misleading. As more information is available, consumers will need to be more and more careful of what they believe is valid information.
